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Equipping, Empowering, And Encouraging Christian Leaders

For the Cause of Christ Ministries is a global ministry focused on training and equipping international pastors and leaders for Christian service. We are missionaries with Elim Fellowship, a Christ-centered worldwide revival fellowship, and associate missionaries with Global Harvest Ministries International.

With 35 years of ministry experience, including living 12 years in three African countries, and travel to 30 nations, our mission is to equip, empower, and encourage national leaders. What a privilege to be part of what God is doing among the nations!

Partnering With Global Harvest Ministries International

We partner with Global Harvest Ministries International to deliver comprehensive leadership training and valuable resources. Our initiatives include oversight and support for Bible schools, active involvement in church planting, and the organization of pastors’ conferences. Additionally, we are dedicated to providing targeted ministry programs for women and children. Learn more about GHMI at

We proudly work with Global Harvest Ministries International and Elim Fellowship, empowering us to fulfill our mission to equip, empower and encourage Christian Leaders and students for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more about GHMI at and EF at

Leadership Training

Many leaders in developing nations face significant challenges, including limited access to formal ministry training and resources. To address this, we offer onsite training along with a range of biblical resources and curriculum. This empowers these leaders to build a stronger foundation for their ministries and to enhance their impact within their communities.

Bible Schools

We are actively involved in launching Bible schools and providing oversight for the Operation Barnabas Bible School in Arua, Uganda, as well as in the Sudanese refugee camps. Our outreach also extends to Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand, where we support the establishment and enhancement of educational initiatives.

Pastors Conferences

Pastors experience renewed vision and purpose through preaching and teaching designed for church leaders. Sessions foster unity and ignite a fresh zeal for God, covering vital topics such as the foundation of effective leadership, the importance of setting a positive example, and achieving a balanced life in ministry.

Ministry To Women

We create a meaningful impact in underprivileged communities by providing Bible education and practical seminars on essential topics like relationships, healthcare, nutrition, and hygiene. Our programs aim to uplift the lives of women and children, equipping them with valuable life and trade skills.

Spirit-Led Ministry Around The Globe

“Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.”

Psalm 96:3 NIV

Bible Schools

Transforming lives around the world through impactful Biblical education

Men’s Events

Inspiring men to exemplify Christ-like qualities and model servant leadership

Women’s Events

Empowering women to embrace freedom, cultivate godliness, and experience joy

Reaching Nations

A passion to see people of every tribe and nation know, love, and worship Jesus

Spirit Empowered

Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to fulfill God’s worldwide mission

Impactful Ministry

Bringing about lasting spiritual transformation through God’s mighty power